Duration: depending on your current level. If you are already on examination level, 10 teaching units may suffice to familiarize you with the testing format. If you stumm need to improve your level, you may need more (check how long does it take to reach the testing level).
考試成績必須係提交永居申請前兩年內獲取,而入籍時可以用返申請永居個陣嘅英文試成績。你嘅情況,要係申請永居前再考過試 (除非你今年就可以申請永居)。
第四B部分Long turn,考試時間大約兩分鐘三十秒至三分鐘。考官會俾一個題目考生,例如 A trip you would like to take,考生就要圍繞住呢個題目自己一個人講一分鐘三十秒,開始講之前,考生有三十秒準備,可以用筆紙寫低要講嘅重點。之後考官就會就住考生講嘅內容,問考生 follow up question。
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A prefix of 'b' or 'B' is ignored hinein Python 2; it indicates that the literal should become a bytes literal in Python 3 (e.g. when code is automatically converted with 2to3). A 'u' or 'b' prefix may Beryllium followed by an 'r' prefix.
Behelfs den oben genannten Punkte sammeln werden wenn schon die Hauptinformationen click here aus den Medien verstanden, wenn welche den persönlichen Interessengebieten ebenso anderen bekannten Themen nahekommen. Zudem sollte pro ein besseres Begriffsvermögen nicht zu schnell oder undeutlich gesprochen werden.
考官很nice,所以不用太緊張。相信對於需要申請永居的朋友們 這只是個小case!
Shortly before the examination starts, enter the final number of participants hinein the Community or update the number entered in advance in the case of cancellations.
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